目前分類:留學文件Tips (14)

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而在申論或個人陳述中展現這些特質的最好方法便是使用主動語態。 藉由在分享個人經驗、目標和未來計畫時使用主動語態可以給文章堅定、自信的語氣。


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就算是母語為英文的學生從小到大寫過無數的作業或文章總是有些錯誤會時不時地出現更何況視英語為外文的我們申請出國留學免不了要寫SOP, PS, CV甚至是Essay Questions,怎麼樣寫得令甄選委員會印象深刻是門功夫,但怎麼避免錯誤也是很重要的,今天小編就來告訴大家7點該停止再犯的寫作錯誤!



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Statement of Purpose (簡稱SOP留學讀書計畫),按照名稱,他必須state出你的個人相關目標和你達成目標的條件。當然也有學校要求Personal Statement (PS)UC Berkeley就會要求both PS and SOP,也有些學校要求letter of motivation,在學校只要求一個檔情況下,兩者是一樣的,但是學校如果要求兩類文書都要,通常SOP是圍繞在學術興趣的介紹、經歷、短中長期目標、以及為何想要選該研究生院和該校就讀、該校的特色PS這時就會比較偏向所謂的自傳,對於個人經歷描述比較多,可以陳述一些個人特色的故事。如果學校只要求一篇PS or SOP,那必須偏學術方向來寫,其中你個人學術興趣和經歷最為重要,因為這也是讓學校清楚知道你申請該研究所繼續進修的動機,他們想要知道的是知道自己規劃和做研究熱忱的人,而不是一個個知道大家都到美國留學念研究所,我也要去人云亦云的人,要知道西方社會的思維,和台灣教育是非常不同的,他們非常在乎的是自發、熱忱的對研究有興趣,而不是為了錢、社會地位、名利、甚至目標是留在美國工作而升學或是做研究,清楚了這點,你的整個的寫作邏輯思路,就會清楚。

留學SOP需要多次修改,不要因為第一稿、二版本、三版本不達標準就難過。一般強者甚至自己修改6~8次才送給TopAdmit修改,而且每個版本大致都不同。每所學校規定字數不定,有些甚至沒有規定,原則上以兩頁 A4 紙(單行行距,12pt 字體)為准,約 1000 ~ 1500 字。太冗長反而不好。  

SOP是相當正式的文章,語氣不可過於口語。英文文法和拼字務必確認無誤例如:英文正式文章不得用縮寫。"I'm" 應寫為 "I am" "don't" 應寫為 "do not" "Prof. X" 應寫為 "Professor X"。學校除非在美國相當知名( MIT Georgia Tech ),不然第一次提起時應寫全名,並在後面加注縮寫("I am currently studying in Electrical Engineering (EE) at University of California-Berkeley (UC-Berkeley).")。第二次開始後就可以用縮寫代稱("My experience at UC-Berkeley...")。另外還有學生很愛使用jargon,別預想所有人都看的懂,第一次使用也要拼寫出來,例如: Centre for Analog/RF Integrated Circuits (CARFIC)


此外,有時候SOP結尾不知道怎麼寫的話,可以用首尾呼應法 (echo),以共同的主題或比喻貫穿整偏文章。每個段落應該有明確的重點。每段最好不要太長,因為按照招生委員的評論,太長會讓人閱讀疲勞,以 150 字左右為佳。另外台灣人的謙虛美德在讀書計畫裡面是不必要的,有優點,大聲說出。

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Ever been caught in a dilemma about how to greet or salute in a letter/e-mail ?

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Topadmit would like to present you with a X'mas miracle ! A holiday promotion that will keep you warm !


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留學文件的準備過程中,除了擁有傑出的自傳和其他Essays外,CV résumé的質量也是相當重要的。許多人並不覺得CV或Resume跟自傳一樣重要, 但這卻是招生委員會在眾多申請文件中最先挑出來看的,因為這是一份總結申請人、申請人是誰以及申請人學經歷的重要文件。


"Résumé" 是法文"summarize"的意思,因此 résumé就是個人背景、經歷的總結。  "CV" 是拉丁片語 "Curriculum Vitae"的縮寫,意同一個人的生命過程 一般來講,résumé是教育背景及工作經驗的摘要且通常不超過兩頁。  但是,大部分的雇主及美國學校偏好résumé少於一頁。 Résumé應該只含教育背景、工作經驗、特殊技術或其他專長的基本資訊, CV則是更注重細節所以可能內容多達 4-5頁。在CV中,主要訴求是概述在每個工作中自己所擔的角色或責任,CV也可包含任何你想要呈現的經驗、學位、研究、獎項、出版物、發表及其他成就的資訊。




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Good luck to all the students who have application deadlines this month. We hope Topadmit helped you get closer to being accepted to the schools of your choice. 

Do you want to know the difference between Statements of Purpose, Personal Statements & Study Plans? Read more about it at our blog : topadmit-blog.tumblr.com

Start your essays earlier and get them out of the way - it’s the holiday season and nothing should stress you out. Follow our tips to help you get started if you are still unhappy with your work, then send it to us and let us help you make your paper admission-ready. “Think a little bit more, and always go the extra mile

-Writing tip of the week-

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然而,不同的學校要求不一樣的格式,這時常混淆學生進而導致學生寫出文不對題的文章。 一旦文不對題,不管你多麼有創意、故事多麼特別,最終只會被招生委員會剔除,因為你沒有寫出他們要求的內容。想找留學代辦幫忙的話,也是一個不錯的選擇。



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Happy Thanksgiving ! Give thanks to the people who created Topadmit service, they have helped thousands of students get accepted into the school of their dreams.
We may look forward to the holiday season all year, but it is also a stressful season for students applying for school.

We totally understand what you are going through, there is no shame in having someone proofread or edit your work.

Let us guide you, and make your holiday a little more enjoyable and less stressful.


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在撰寫essay/留學文件的時候覺得很困難嗎? 有的時候,要在500字以內甚至更少的字數下來完成一份自傳來表現出你是什麼樣的一個人是件很困難的事情,以下有一些小技巧或許能夠幫助你來完成這些文件。






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U.S. News & World Report published a must-read article on recommendation letters today that included my own thoughts on the subject. Here are the relevant sections:

“For prospective business students, letters of recommendation are the part of the MBA application process over which applicants have the least control. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t significant steps that business school applicants can take to influence the impact of their references, business school admissions experts say. …

Paul Bodine, who runs Paul Bodine Admissions Consulting in San Diego, has observed four common misconceptions when it comes to MBA recommendations and offers tips to avoid them:

1. Titles won’t dazzle: Applicants sometimes erroneously assume that a reference’s job title or b-school affiliation is more important than his or her connection to the applicant and ability to advocate on the applicant’s behalf, says Bodine, who is author of Great Applications for Business School. “Schools are sincere when they say they want letters from people who have directly supervised the applicant over time,” he says.

2. Praise should be specific: Applicants and recommenders also have a bad habit of considering letters of recommendation to be “pro forma” exercises, wherein b-schools “just want a lot of hot air about people skills, vision, [and] ‘achieving whatever he sets his mind to,’” Bodine says. Instead, schools want “factual, concrete anecdotes that demonstrate that the applicant has the skills that the recommender says [he or she] does,” he says.


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Writing the Personal Statement – Start by Brainstorming

By Jack McDermott – Top Admit Consulting

One of the most difficult elements of a graduate school application to the United States, Canada or Britain is the personal statement.  Although  some specialized graduate programs have specific questions (to ensure you do not send your generic personal statement) the personal statement is generally very similar: it asks you to tell something about yourself.

In some ways, it may be the most important element.  Generally your GPA, Undergraduate College, Extracurricular Activities, Awards, Work Experience and Graduate School Admissions Tests have already been decided (or soon will be).  Your personal statement is the one thing that you can still perfect that will make a difference in the admissions process. 

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