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Top Admit 達美留學台北及上海公司正式推出留學全程代辦服務 


近年來,各地相繼吹起留學風,身旁好友三五成群都是留洋碩士,也激起你心中的滿腔熱血嗎? 說到留學,免不了要想到是要自己DIY? 還是找留學代辦? 事實上,每個人的情況都不盡相同,旁人很難給你正確的建議。兩者之間的不同就是在於時間和金錢上的安排…若你有充裕的時間和完整的知識,恭喜你已踏上DIY之路。若你時間急迫,相信專業,對留學申請流程毫無頭緒,那就來找Top Admit!


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U.S. News & World Report published a must-read article on recommendation letters today that included my own thoughts on the subject. Here are the relevant sections:

“For prospective business students, letters of recommendation are the part of the MBA application process over which applicants have the least control. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t significant steps that business school applicants can take to influence the impact of their references, business school admissions experts say. …

Paul Bodine, who runs Paul Bodine Admissions Consulting in San Diego, has observed four common misconceptions when it comes to MBA recommendations and offers tips to avoid them:

1. Titles won’t dazzle: Applicants sometimes erroneously assume that a reference’s job title or b-school affiliation is more important than his or her connection to the applicant and ability to advocate on the applicant’s behalf, says Bodine, who is author of Great Applications for Business School. “Schools are sincere when they say they want letters from people who have directly supervised the applicant over time,” he says.

2. Praise should be specific: Applicants and recommenders also have a bad habit of considering letters of recommendation to be “pro forma” exercises, wherein b-schools “just want a lot of hot air about people skills, vision, [and] ‘achieving whatever he sets his mind to,’” Bodine says. Instead, schools want “factual, concrete anecdotes that demonstrate that the applicant has the skills that the recommender says [he or she] does,” he says.


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